Damp Proofing & Repairs

Damp Proofing Belfast & NI Wide

Rising Dampness can develop within walls due to the lack of an effective damp proof course or the omission of damp proofing during earlier construction.

Rising dampness may be found during a Building Survey, by tests carried out to the base of the damp walls, however in more severe cases of prolonged dampness, visible damp patches may appear, along with hygroscopic salts on the wall surfaces.

Effective treatment requires removal of the wall plaster to approximately one metre or higher (depending on the salts within the masonry and several other factors) along with the installation of a new damp proof course within the damp walls.

How is a damp proof course installed?

The method of installing the damp proof course is by pattern drilling the masonry at the base of the damp walls and injecting a specially formulated solution of siliconate injection fluid or DPC cream, until the entire depth is fully impregnated.

Our injection process, is low odour and cures within the masonry wall to form an impervious barrier to rising dampness, which prevents moisture rising from the ground into the treated walls. Adjacent abutting walls are isolated using a vertical damp proof course.

Used in conjunction with our specialist waterproof rendering system this provides a reliable and cost effective method of treatment to ensure damp walls are no longer an issue in your home.

The new damp proof course within the damp walls will prevent moisture rising and the masonry will begin to dry out, however due to the effects of ground salts, the damp walls will not dry out fully unless the existing plaster is removed and replaced using a salt retardant render, such as our Waterproof Rendering System.

Damp Works NI offer damp proofing Belfast and Northern Wide. Our damp proofing specialists have over 30 years experience and offer a wide range of damp proofing treatments in Belfast and across Northern ireland.  



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